A downloadable game for Windows

[Submission for the Gamdo Mini Game Jam 2023 With The Theme "Transformation"]

Secured a victory on the 1st winner of the game jam

A doctor got betrayed by his boss so he wants to revenge. But the boss has  some strong armed body guard, so you can't get close him or you will be killed. So the doctor has a crazy idea that he will turn everyone in the city into a zombie to gather army to be able to get close to the boss and turn him into zombie. 

Go around the city and try to find the boss and turn him into a zombie .

[WASD] - Move

[Left Click] - Shoot

[Space] - Change zombie command

Team (Solo) :

  • Game Programmer & Game Artist : Fakhri Amin [Itch]

Technical Tool :

  • Game Engine : Unity
  • Art Creation : Adobe Illustrator

Asset Used :

  • Game Feel Tool : Link
  • Background Music : Link
  • Sound Effects : Link


Crazy Doctor Build.rar 26 MB

Install instructions

1. Un-zip the file

2. Open "Crazy Doctor.exe"

3. Enjoy the game !


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gamenya kerenn cocok mekanik sama art nya pas simple mantapp. di tunggu update an game nya biar makin seru

Thank you for the feedback! Yup definitely akan diupdate setelah game jam selesai. 

Ehk?? ini boss nya sekali lempar botol mati kah ? kirain harus punya banyak pasukan zombi, keren gamenya

Thanks for playing! Iya semua enemy sekali hit langsung berubah. Desain awalnya enemy semua ada HP nya biar kita nyerang juga gak langsung berubah jadi zombie. But waktu sudah mepet jadi gak sempat nambahin HP untuk enemynya. Hanya HP untuk player aja. Karena itu aku pikir untuk nge balancenya, si bossnya itu ada body guard yang bisa nembak. Jadi gak ada tantangan untuk ngebunuh si bossnya. Nanti selepas game jam baru aku nambahin HP dan fitur2 lain. Anyway, I appreciate it.


Thank you!

haaay Aku barusan cobain gim nya hhahaha lucu bangetsiii art nya aku suka~~ 10/10!

Thank you so much. Aku juga emang suka art2 simple minimalist kek gini sih. Akhir2 ini lagi latihan buat art kek gitu.

solodev ya? hahaha masochist banget!! salut xDDDD